Feel Better!
NO Tar, NO Carcinogens, NO Smoke, NO Smell! When it comes right down to it, this is not a tool for quitting, but to be used as an alternative. Within a short time you may notice your desire and habit decrease. Heck, even your taste buds will thank you! Electronic Cigarettes produce a vapor which comes from the spent liquids as you exhale and all of our ingredients contain only products approved for human consumption by the FDA. All of our products are scrutinized regularly to ensure the best possible product.

Save Some Cash!
Let’s say you smoke a pack a day…COST – (avg) $10 a pack, $70 a week, $280 a month, $ 3360 a year! Now let’s say you are using an electric cigarette instead. COST – (avg) $30 a month. That’s it. $360 a year. Now of course, that is a simple breakdown, but you get the idea. It’s an average savings of about $3000! Add to that savings the fact that your insurance premiums would be lower due to the fact you are not a smoker anymore. We don’t know about you, but with a savings of about $3000 a year, we could find something better to spend that on!

Easier To Use!
Electronic Cigarettes don’t produce smoke, don’t require a lighter or matches or any flame source, don’t leave ashes or disgusting butts on the ground, they produce a vapor by the ejuice being heated to allow a vapor, you know, like a fog. When you inhale, it’s vapor. When you exhale it’s vapor. Once you have decided which flavor to use, simply fill the cartomizer to the directed amount and use it as instructed. Use it in your home, car or wherever and you won’t notice the use because it doesn’t leave that nasty smell that goes with traditional cigarettes. Get the same feeling as smoking without the nasty side-effects and save some $$$, seems like a good deal!
Arnprior Location
Production, Wholesale, Retail
87 Madawaska
St. Arnprior, ON, K7S 1S2
Phone (613) 622 5500
Cell (613) 371-4485
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Store Hours
Monday to Friday ~ 11am to 6pm
Saturday ~ 11am to 5pm
Sunday ~ Closed / by appointment only
We are now in our new location and have been constantly changing the experience for all who visit. It was a lot of hard work to convert this building into what it is now and owe a great thanks to our amazing team of contractors that made this place possible. Special thanks go to Karl Ryan of Shamrock Handyman Services ( for the amazing job he did turning this property into a great space for everyone. It was a big job and he always produced the most amazing results, we are very lucky to have such a wonderful place to work in and a store that our customers appreciate. We pride ourselves on being a small town store with small town service and we always try to show that. We opened in 2014 and have grown and adapted to better serve all our amazing customers. We are always looking for new ways to change and expand our services and look forward to meeting the challenge in this ever changing industry.
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